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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Care Provider Who Helps Couple with Agoraphobic Son Needs Financial Assistance

Engaged and Ready to get married, couple needs your assistance to continue caring for sick parents and son.

Here is a very interesting story of needs

"I am a good person. I am hard working and I try and help out others when I can. Now I find myself in a place where it is I that needs the help. The last few years have been one trial after another and I think that I have held up rather well. 4 years ago I was diagnosed with a carcinoid tumor in my left lung and had to have half of it removed. I was 27 at the time. Since then my health has not been the greatest, but I have continued to survive. That was just the beginning of the troubles to come. One year ago almost exactly my fiancĂ©s’ grandfather was in a terrible mining accident that almost took him from us. His 10th day in the hospital his wife, was taken by life flight to the same hospital suffering from a brain infection (encephalitis) and a few months later had to have her left leg amputated above the knee due to a blood clot, all of this on top of already suffering from multiple sclerosis. We spent months with them while they were in the hospital. After they were both discharged and sent home, my fiancĂ© and I stopped the rent to own contract we were in on our first home, to move the two hours to where they live to take care of them. They both require a lot of care, with her being the most at 24 hour round the clock care. She is completely dependent on us for everything from bathing to toileting. We cook all the meals, clean the house, do all the laundry, dishes, etc. Along with taking care of the two of them we also take care of their son who is agoraphobic ( he is afraid of the outside world due to a very cruel and life altering, damaging prank played when he was in his late teens). We take them to all of their dr.’s appointments and transport her to and from her bed to her chair to the car to her chair and vice versa. She is a two person full assist. We are trying to plan our wedding for June of this year, which we are paying for all by ourselves. We have no insurance and we need to come up with some money because I need to see a dentist badly, when I was sick with all the medicines and being sick itself has wrecked my teeth. I want to feel confident on my wedding day. We also found a house that we like that we want to get while we are taking care of them so that when they no longer need us ( and I hope we still have a long time with both of them) that we will have a place to go. In total we need about $5,000. That will at least help. It won’t solve all of our problems but it will give a building block to start being able to help ourselves. Thank- you for your time.


our pay pal account is under the email

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